Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pipelines on TSO

Today for the first time the open sourced Pipelines processor for NetRexx ran on TSO. After NetRexx 3.03 did not run on OMVS at all due to codepage problems, and after the integrated Pipelines suffered from a JVM bytecode mismatch problem, I have incorporated the Pipelines build into the Ant build for NetRexx and finally have bytecode for JVM 1.5 for the Pipelines classes. So with pleasure I announce the first VM/CMS compatible version of Pipelines for NetRexx running on MVS/TSO. In a few moments I am going to run it on real iron (my employer's EC12) to get an impression of its performance. After some work on the manual it is going to be released together with NetRexx 3.04.

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